Interaction between slime particles affected by flotation reagents based on EDLVO theory
CHENG Wanli,ZHANG Xiumei,DENG Zhengbin,GUO De
贵州大学 矿业学院喀斯特地区优势矿产资源高效利用国家地方联合工程实验室非金属矿产资源综合利用重点实验室华北科技学院 环境工程学院省部共建复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室
浮选药剂可改变煤表面润湿性,导致煤泥颗粒间相互作用产生差异,影响煤泥浮选效果。为探究不同种类浮选药剂及用量下煤泥颗粒间的相互作用及对浮选效果的影响,在0号柴油和仲辛醇2种药剂体系下进行浮选试验,利用接触角测量法计算出煤表面能参数,采用EDLVO理论对煤泥颗粒间相互作用能进行了计算和分析。浮选试验结果表明:2种药剂体系下浮选指标更好,0号柴油和仲辛醇的最佳用量分别为0.8和0.2 kg/t,获得精煤产率为75.67%,精煤灰分为10.28%,可燃体回收率为90.25%,浮选完善指标为59.92%。EDLVO理论计算结果表明:水介质中,煤泥颗粒间的范德华作用能和疏水作用能都为吸引势能,静电作用能为排斥势能;加入浮选药剂后,煤泥颗粒间均存在静电斥力、范德华引力和疏水引力,其中范德华引力较小,起主要作用的是疏水引力,且疏水引力大小比范德华引力大2个数量级,促进了煤泥颗粒的相互聚团。两种药剂体系下,0号柴油和仲辛醇有较好的协同作用,颗粒间以疏水作用能为主,较单一药剂体系下,颗粒间的总作用势能的“能垒”大幅度降低。当0号柴油和仲辛醇用量分别为0.8和0.2 kg/t时,颗粒间的总作用势能的“能垒”最低。“能垒”越低,颗粒间吸引能越大,越有利于细粒煤凝聚上浮,较好的解释了浮选最佳药剂用量的试验结果。
Flotation reagent can change the wettability of coal surface,which leads to the difference of interaction between slime particles and affects the flotation effect of slime. In order to explore the effect of different kinds of flotation reagents and their dosage on the interaction of slime particles,the flotation experiments were carried out under the two reagent systems of 0 diesel oil and 2-octanol. The surface energy parameters of coal were calculated by the contact an- gle measurement method,and the interaction energy of slime particles was calculated and analyzed by the EDLVO the- ory. The results of flotation test show that the flotation index is better under the two reagent systems. The optimum dos- age of 0 diesel oil and 2-octanol is 0. 8 kg / t and 0. 2 kg / t respectively. The yield of clean coal is 75. 67% ,the ash content of clean coal is 10. 28% ,the recovery of combustible body is 90. 25% ,and the flotation index is 59. 92% . The EDLVO theoretical calculation results show that in the water medium,the van der Waals interaction energy and the hy- drophobic interaction energy between the slime particles are both attraction potential energy,and the electrostatic inter- action energy is repulsive potential energy. After adding flotation reagent,there are electrostatic repulsion,the van der Waals attraction and the hydrophobic attraction among the slime par-ticles,among which the van der Waals attraction is smaller,and the main role is the hydrophobic attraction,and the hydrophobic attraction is larger than the van der Waals attraction. The Hua gravitation is two orders of magnitude larger,which promotes the agglomeration of slime par- ticles. In the two systems,0 diesel oil and 2-octanol have a good synergistic effect,and the hydrophobic interaction en- ergy is the main one among particles,which is much lower than that of single reagent system. When 0 diesel oil and 2- octanol are 0. 8 kg / t and 0. 2 kg / t respectively,the “energy barrier” of total potential energy between particles is the lowest. The lower the “energy barrier” is,the greater the attraction energy between particles is,the more favorable the agglomeration and floatation of fine coal is. The test results of the best reagent dosage in flotation are explained well.
coal slime;flotation agents;grain;interface interaction;EDLVO theory
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会