• 全部
  • Title

    Development history and status quo of raise boring technologies and equipment in China

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Zhiqiang,SONG Zhaoyang,CHEN Shouye,HONG Wenhao,JING Guoye,LI Xinhua, WNAG Laisuo,ZHAO Junxian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing China Coal Mine Construction Company Ltd.,National Engineering Lab for Deep Shaft Construction Technology in Coal Mine,China Three Gorges Projects Development Corporation Limited,China Energy Investment Corporation Baotou Energy Corporation Limited,Sinohydro Bureau 14 Corporation Limited,Jiangsu Hexin Petroleum Machinery Corporation Limited
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The drilling technology of raise boring rigs is a a fundamentally revolutionary technology for well drilling in underground projects such as coal mines, metal mines, hydropower and tunnels.This article introduced the development and history of raise boring rig drilling technology and equipment, the theory and technology of raise boring rigs, and the development and current status of raise boring technology and application in China in the past 40 years.It also summarized the scientific research projects approved in the field of raise rig drilling, as well as the papers, patents, published works and standardsrelated to the drilling of raise rigs. It further introduced the stability control technology of raise rig drilling surrounding rock pre-reinforcement and support, the rock breaking mechanism and rock breaking technology of raise drilling machinery; the stability control technology and power-driven technology of the drill frame of the raise rig control technology; the pilot hole drilling tool of the raise rig, the pilot hole drilling slag removal technology, the deflection control technology of pilot hole drilling, and pilot hole drilling risk analysis and prevention and control technology; raise rig reaming drill bit hob layout shape, reaming slag removal technology, reaming drilling deflection control technology, reaming drilling risk analysis and prevention and control technology; raise rig drilling cooling and dust removal technology; the applications of raise drilling rigs in mine gangue holes, deep and large inclined shafts, vertical shaft extensions, double air shafts and one-time drilling into large diameter air shafts and other projects, as well as water-rich impact layers, frozen formationsand grouting reinforcement strata and the application of raise well drilling in the formation of mud reinforcement and gas formation. After 40 years of research and practice, it has been shown that in the field of raise rig drilling, China has developed a complete set of raise rig drilling technology and equipment system based on mechanical rock breaking theory and drilling technology, which is a safe, efficient, and effective system for wellbore in underground engineering. The provision and technical support of green drilling has made significant contributions to the development of unmanned, mechanized and automated full-face drilling technology and equipment in China

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    raise rig; drilling; mechanical cutting; pilot hole; reaming; deflection rate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 机械化反井钻机钻井技术的提出

        1.1 传统反井施工技术与工艺

        1.2 机械化反井施工技术的突破

    2 反井钻井技术与装备发展历程

        2.1 国外反井钻井技术与装备发展历程简述

        2.2 我国反井钻井技术与装备发展历程

        2.3 重要科研项目

        2.4 反井钻井知识产权成果

    3 大型反井钻机钻井理论与技术

        3.1 反井钻机钻井围岩稳定控制技术

        3.2 机械破岩机理与破岩技术

        3.3 反井钻机动力驱动控制技术

        3.4 导孔钻进与风险控制技术

         3.5 扩孔钻进与风险控制技术

         3.6 反井钻机钻井降温除尘技术

    4 典型反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.1 溜矸孔反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.2 深大倾角斜井反井钻井工艺应用

         4.3 人工冻结地层中反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.4 地面预注浆改性地层中反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.5 井筒延伸工程中反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.6 富水冲积层反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.7 瓦斯管道井反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.8 双风井井筒反井钻机钻井工艺应用

         4.9 采区风井一次成井反井钻机钻井工艺应用

    5 结语与展望

  • 引用格式
    LIU Zhiqiang,SONG Zhaoyang,CHEN Shouye,et al.Development history and status quo of raise boring technologies and equipment in China[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(1):32-65.doi:10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2021.1.004
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  • 图表
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