An evaluation method for geological dynamic environments of mines and the classification of mines subjected to rock bursts
LAN Tianwei;ZHANG Zhijia;YUAN Yongnian;HAN Jun;LIU Hongquan;ZHANG Junjie;ZHANG Hongwei;LUO Boyuan;LIU Mingwei
辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院,辽宁 阜新 123000辽宁工程技术大学 鄂尔多斯研究院,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017010国家能源集团乌海能源公司 内蒙古利民煤焦有限责任公司,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 016064龙煤集团双鸭山分公司,黑龙江 双鸭山 155100龙煤集团鹤岗矿业公司,黑龙江 鹤岗 154100鄂尔多斯市昊华红庆梁矿业有限公司,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 014323
冲击地压等矿井动力灾害的发生受多因素影响,是自然地质动力环境条件和开采工程扰动条件耦合作用的结果。冲击地压发生的时间、空间、强度等特征与矿井所处区域地质动力环境有关,由于不同煤田、不同矿区、不同矿井所处的区域地质动力环境存在差异性,致使有些煤矿不具备发生冲击地压的地质动力环境条件,而有些煤矿发生冲击地压的类型也不同。提出矿井地质动力环境评价方法,并构建评价指标体系。在地质动力环境研究中,主要考虑自然地质条件下外部地质体的动力作用对冲击地压的影响效应,确定构造凹地反差强度、矿井区域断块构造运动、断裂构造、构造应力、开采深度、上覆岩层结构特征、本区及邻区判据条件等影响因素为评价指标,根据各因素对矿井的影响程度情况,给出每个因素的不同量化评价值。综合量化评价结果,判定矿井是否具有发生冲击地压的地质动力环境:(1) 当综合评价指标值n为0~0.25,表明矿井不具备冲击地压发生的地质动力环境;(2) 当综合评价指标值n为>0.25~0.50,矿井具有弱冲击地压发生的地质动力环境;(3) 当综合评价指标值n为>0.50~0.75,矿井具有中等冲击地压发生的地质动力环境;(4) 当综合评价指标值n为>0.75~1.00,矿井具有强冲击地压发生的地质动力环境。依据矿井地质动力环境评价指标,揭示矿井工程地质体内冲击地压产生的地质动力环境和能量条件,进而确定冲击地压矿井类型,属于非冲击地压矿井、冲击地压矿井和严重冲击地压矿井。最后,以绥滨坳陷盆地边缘双鸭山−集贤煤田为例,分析双鸭山矿区集贤煤矿的地质动力环境,确定集贤煤矿地质动力环境综合评价指标值n为0.67,矿井具有中等地质动力环境,类型属于冲击地压矿井。研究成果验证了地质动力环境是矿井产生冲击地压等动力灾害的重要性因素和能量基础条件。
The occurrence of dynamic disasters in mines, such as rock bursts, is affected by multiple factors and is the result of the coupling of the natural geological dynamic environment and mining engineering disturbances. The characteristics of rock bursts including their time, space, and intensity are related to the regional geological dynamic environment of mines. Different coal fields, mining areas, and mines have different regional geological dynamic environments. Accordingly, some coal mines do not have a geological dynamic environment of rock bursts, while some are subjected to different types of rock bursts. This study proposed an evaluation method for the geological dynamic environments of mines and constructed an evaluation index system. The study of geological dynamic environments mainly focuses on the effects of the dynamic process of external geological bodies on rock bursts under natural geological conditions. Therefore, it was determined that evaluation indices of geological dynamic environments consisted of influencing factors such as the tectonic contrast of tectonic concaves, tectonic movement of fault blocks in mine areas, fault structures, tectonic stress, mining depth, the structural characteristics of overlying strata, and the criteria for the study area and its adjacent areas. Then, different quantitative evaluation values of these influencing factors were determined according to the degrees of their influences on mines. Afterward, the quantitative evaluation results were integrated to determine whether a mine has a geological dynamic environment of rock bursts according to the following criteria: (1) a value of the integrated evaluation index (n) of 0-0.25 indicates a mine has not a geological dynamic environment of rock bursts; and (2) an n value of 0.25-0.5, 0.5-0.75, and 0.75-1.0 indicates that a mine has a geological dynamic environment of weak, moderate, and intense rock bursts, respectively. Based on the evaluation indices of the geological dynamic environments of mines, the geological dynamic environment and energy for the occurrence of rock bursts in engineering geological bodies can be determined. Then, the mines can be classified as mines free from rock bursts, mines subjected to rock bursts, or mines subjected to severe rock bursts. With the Shuangyashan-Jixian coal field at the margin of the Suibin Depression Basin as an example, this study analyzed the geological dynamic environment of the Jixian coal mine in the Shuangyashan mining area and determined that the Jixian coal mine has an n value of 0.67. This result indicates that the Jixian coal mine has a geological dynamic environment of moderate rock bursts and is a mine subjected to rock bursts. As verified by the results of this study, the geological dynamic environment is a critical influencing factor and a basic energy condition inducing dynamic disasters of mines, such as rock bursts.
rock burst;geological dynamic environment;geological dynamic condition;evaluation index system;mine type
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会