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  • Title

    Optimizing flow field of SCR DeNOx reactor based on numerical simulation

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHONG Xiaocheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shanghai Donghua Environment Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    为优化选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝反应器的流场,采用了组合优化方案;在反应器入口处设置多孔板,在反应器内部设置渐扩口式、格栅式、弧板式共三种导流板;采用计算流体力学(CFD)进行数值模拟获得反应器内部流场,进行对比研究。 研究发现:多孔板孔距与孔径比为1.2时,压降较小且能获得较好的流场均布性能;基于反应器结构特点设计的导流板能获得较好的优化效果;催化剂具有流场均布能力,催化剂多层布置可有效改善第一层之后的床层流场,但同时会增大压降;通过组合导流方案,第一层催化剂床层的流速相对标准偏差(RSD)从 7.16%降为 2.51%,并改善了湍动能的耗散。 研究结果对 SCR 反应器的导流件设计具有一定指导意义。
  • Abstract
    To optimize the flow field of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) DeNOx reactor, a combinationaloptimizing scheme was adopted. A multi-orifice plate was arranged at the inlet of the reactor, and threekinds of deflector were arranged inside the reactor: gradual expansion type, grid type and arc type. Theflow field inside the reactor was obtained by numerical simulation using computational fluid dynamics(CFD), and then the comparative study was carried out. The results showed that the pressure drop wassmall and the performance of distributing flow field was excellent,when the multi-orifice′s ratio value ofhole pitch to diameter was 1.2. The deflectors designed based on the structure of reactor had better per⁃formance. The catalyst had the ability of distributing flow field. Arranging catalyst in multiple layers couldeffectively optimize the flow fields of the beds after the first layer, but increase the pressure drop at thesame time. The relative standard deviation(RSD) of flow velocity of the first layer catalyst bed decreasedfrom 7.16% to 2.51% by adopting the combined diversion scheme,and the dissipation of turbulent kineticenergy was reduced. The research results have a guidance for the design of the SCR reactor′s deflectors.
  • 关键词

    SCR 反应器 流场优化 计算流体力学(CFD) 数值模拟

  • KeyWords

    SCR; Reactor; Flow field optimization; Computational fluid dynamic(CFD); Numericalsimulation

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    钟晓城. 基于数值模拟的 SCR 脱硝反应器流场优化[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(4): 171-178.
  • Citation
    ZHONG Xiaocheng. Optimizing flow field of SCR DeNOx reactor based on numerical simulation[J]. Energy Envi⁃ronmental Protection, 2023, 37(4): 171-178.
  • 相关专题

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