• 全部
  • Title

    Research on intelligent linkage regulation and control of local ventilation in long distance heading face

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Lei;WANG Kai

  • 单位

    同煤大唐塔山煤矿有限公司,山西 大同 037000中国矿业大学 安全工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116

  • Organization
    Tongmei Datang Tashan Coal Mine Co., Ltd.
    School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The existing research on ventilation control for long-distance heading face is mostly limited to the frequency conversion of local ventilation fans themselves. There is few research on the on-demand wind supply direction for long-distance heading face. In order to solve the above problem, a design scheme for an intelligent regulation and control system for local ventilation in long-distance heading face is proposed. The system consists of an underground monitoring system, a ventilation anomaly control system, and a ground workstation. The underground monitoring system achieves early warning of abnormal working conditions of local ventilation fans, dynamic analysis of air leakage inside the air ducts, and dynamic prediction of actual supply and demand air volume by real-time monitoring of underground ventilation fans, air ducts, and working surfaces. The ventilation anomaly control system identifies underground abnormal ventilation parameters, develops risk collaborative disposal strategies for different parameters and levels, and displays the specific distribution of parameters such as gas concentration in the heading face in real-time. The ground workstation excavates the potential laws between the air flow status of the heading face and the parameters of the air duct, forming an air flow-air duct control model. Real time control of the air duct is achieved based on the distribution status of the air flow in the heading face. At the same time, the workstation establishes a variable frequency predictive air regulation model that matches the theoretical air supply, actual air supply, and actual air demand. Based on the variable frequency air regulation model and real-time ventilation parameters, the operating frequency of the fan is determined. The on-demand air supply is achieved through intelligent variable frequency of the fan. In abnormal ventilation situations, based on the prediction of gas emission and the limit capacity of air venting gas, supplemented by drilling gas extraction to control the concentration of gas in the working face, the ventilation safety guarantee for the long-distance heading face is achieved. Taking the 23303 heading face of Zhuanlongwan Coal Mine as an example, numerical simulation of air flow is conducted to study the distribution status of air flow in the face. It provides a basis for adjusting the layout of wind speed sensors in the heading face. The paper proposes two different ventilation linkage control methods, namely variable frequency wind regulation under normal conditions and regulating exhaust air under abnormal conditions. The operating frequency of the fan is determined through supply and demand matching analysis under normal conditions to achieve intelligent variable frequency air regulation of the fan. In case of abnormal ventilation, four regulation and exhaust rules are adopted to ensure the ventilation safety of long-distance heading faces, while achieving the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction. A comprehensive evaluation system for the health indicators of the local ventilation system has been constructed. Through a comprehensive evaluation model and health index, real-time health "physical examination" of the local ventilation system is achieved, and the risk levels of different indicators are quantitatively displayed to ensure that the local ventilation system is in a healthy state.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    long-distance heading face;local ventilation;on demand air supply;ventilation linkage control;variable frequency air regulation;regulating exhaust air

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王磊,王凯. 长距离掘进工作面局部通风智能联动调控研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2023,49(9):55-63.
  • Citation
    WANG Lei, WANG Kai. Research on intelligent linkage regulation and control of local ventilation in long distance heading face[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(9):55-63.
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  • 图表
    • 局部通风智能调控系统组成

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