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  • Title

    Effects of intermittent power-on and electrode inversion on anaerobicco-digestion of sludge and food waste in MEC-CSTR system

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHI Zhongxiang;HAN Yule;LU Xueqin;SUN Yuwei;ZHEN Guangyin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization Ecological Processes and Ecological Restoration, Collegeof Ecology and Environmental Science, East China Normal University
    Chongming Ecological Research Institute
    Shanghai Organic SolidWaste Bioconversion Engineering Technology Research Center
    Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Safety
    Technology Innovation Center for Land Spatial Eco-restoration in Metropolitan Area,Ministry of Natural Resources
  • 摘要
    城镇化快速发展导致大量污水污泥(Sewage Sludge, SS)和餐厨垃圾(Food Waste, FW)等有机固废的排放和产生。 将微生物电解池(Microbial Electrolysis Cell, MEC) 引入到厌氧消化(Anerobic Digestion, AD)过程可实现其高效的甲烷转化。 本研究探究了间歇通电和电极反转对MEC-连续搅拌式反应器(Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, CSTR)的影响。 结果表明,在 1.2 V 的外加电压和 15 d 的污泥停留时间(Sludge Retention Time, SRT)的条件下,MEC-CSTR 运行良好,甲烷产率达到(741.9 ± 99.2) mL/ L-reactor / d。 短暂断电(2 d)未对系统各项性能造成不良影响,而过长断电(7 d)则会降低反应器的有机物水解效果和甲烷产量;同时,连续电极反转会引起甲烷产量((541.7 ± 32.0) mL/ L-reactor / d)的下降;然而,无论间歇通电亦或电极反转均未对消化液的理化性质和系统稳定性造成不良影响。 本研究可为 MEC 系统提升 SS 和 FW 协同厌氧能源化工程的优化实施提供新的解决思路。
  • Abstract
    The rapid urbanization has led to the discharge and generation of large amounts of organicsolid waste, such as sewage sludge (SS) and food waste (FW). The introduction of a microbial elec⁃trolysis cell ( MEC ) into the anaerobic digestion ( AD ) process can realize efficient methaneconversion. In this study, the effects of intermittent power-on and electrode inversion on the MECContinuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) were investigated. The results showed that the MEC-CSTR op⁃erated well under an applied voltage of 1.2 V and sludge retention time (SRT) of 15 d, with a methaneyield of (741.9 ± 99.2) mL/ L- reactor/ d. A short power outage period (2 d) did not adversely affectthe performance of the system, whereas power outage of 7 d decreased the organic hydrolysis effect andmethane yield of the reactor. Furthermore, successive electrode switching induced a decrease in themethane yield ((541.7 ± 32.0) mL/ L-reactor/ d). However, neither the power outage nor the elec⁃trode inversion caused a significant effect on the physical and chemical properties of the digestate or thehydrolysis of organic matter. This study can provide a new solution for MEC system to enhance the opti⁃mal implementation of SS and FW scale disposal and anaerobic energization project.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Sewage sludge; Food waste; Microbial electrolytic cell; Power outage; Electrode inversion

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    支忠祥, 韩宇乐, 陆雪琴, 等. 间歇通电和电极反转对 MEC-CSTR 反应器污泥餐厨垃圾协同厌氧消化的影响[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(5): 121-128.
  • Citation
    ZHI Zhongxiang, HAN Yule, LU Xueqin, et al. Effects of intermittent power-on and electrode inversion on anae⁃robic co-digestion of sludge and food waste in MEC-CSTR system[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023,37(5): 121-128.
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