• 全部
  • Title

    Application and development of intelligent draft survey technology forcoal transportation vessels

  • 作者


  • Author

    YIN Yumengmeng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Coal Quality Inspection and Testing Center
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Draft survey is the main method in the measurement of the cargo capacity of coal transport ships at homeand abroad, and the accuracy of draft survey data is the basis for the settlement, dispute resolution, and calculationof freight in bulk cargo transactions. At present, there are large errors and strong manual interference caused by theuse of manual observation and manual calculation in the draft survey industry, which is easy to cause trade disputes,so it is urgent to establish a set of intelligent draft survey system to eliminate human interference and quickly realizeweight identification. Taking the intelligent draft survey system business for coal transport ships in Huanghua Port asan example, based on the field application, from the observation of the six⁃sided draft survey of coal ships, the draftsurvey equipment, the collection and calculation of draft survey data, etc., it is found that the intelligent draft sur⁃vey recognition system needs to improve the clarity of the draft survey mark, the integration of the draft survey intelli⁃gent equipment, and the collection and calculation of the draft survey data to avoid interference by human factors.From three aspects of software upgrade of draft system, hardware development of draft equipment and establishment ofa major data system for draft, the improvement and optimization have been done. After the software of the intelli⁃gent draft survey recognition system is upgraded, combined with the introduction of advanced image recognition tech⁃nologies such as machine vision and the addition of deep learning image processing technology, the accurate recogni⁃tion of draft gauge signs in multiple environments can be realized. The highly integrated intelligent integrated equip⁃ment can carry out multi⁃functional integrated design of sensors, data acquisition and processing, power supply andother modules. Using high⁃density multi⁃layer circuit boards to optimize the space of each module was done, as wellas the lightweight, strong and high⁃strength materials, the process of inspectors and the errors caused by multipleprocesses was reduced. The establishment of a complete intelligent draft survey major data system can realize the sim⁃plification, transparency and efficiency of data collection, transmission, storage, analysis and other functions, andprovide favorable guarantee and support for the whole process visualization, data security and privacy, informa⁃tion management and maintenance, and business training.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    draft survey; coal transport vessels; intelligent reading system; equipment integration; sensor; soft⁃ware upgrades; hardware development; module space

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    阴雨蒙蒙. 煤炭运输船舶智能水尺计重技术的应用与发展 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (6): 74-79.
  • Citation
    YIN Yumengmeng. Application and development of intelligent draft survey technology for coal transportation vessels[J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (6): 74-79.

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