Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of landscape ecological risk in Yushenfu Mining Area from 1995 to 2021
DU Huadong;LIU Yunlong;BI Yinli;SUN Hao;NING Benyan
西安科技大学 地质与环境学院西安科技大学 西部矿山生态环境修复研究院咸阳市环境监测站
As a strong human disturbance, coal mining has affected the ecosystem service function and economic value on mining area. However, there is a lack on the comparing for the long-term spatial scale evolution of landscape ecological risk after mining development based on different landforms in the same climate environment. Therefore, the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of landscape ecological risk were explored on loess hilly and sandy land in the Yushenfu Mining Area based on the Landsat data from 1995—2021 with the construction of landscape ecological risk index and spatial statistical analysis methods. The results showed that: ① There was no significant changing between loess hilly and sandy land for the ecological risk pattern from 1995 to 2000. From 2000 to 2010, the low level ecological risk area changed to a higher level in the loess hilly region. In 2010, the proportion of medium-high, medium and medium-low ecological risk areas was 70% in the loess hilly area, while the high ecological risk area in the sand-covered area increased but not significant, and it was still dominated by medium-low ecological risk and account for 31%. Since 2010, the landscape ecological pattern tended to homogenization, and the landscape ecological risk gradually stabilized to a low-medium, medium and high-medium on loess hilly area, and the proportion of these three risk levels was 74% in 2021. The sandy landscape also formed a low, medium and low-medium ecological risk, and the proportion of the three risk levels was 77%, and decreased and stabilized gradually. ② From 1995 to 2021, the landscape ecological risks showed obvious spatially clustered distribution characteristics, and presented a clear hotspots and coldspots in Yushenfu Mining Area. The ecological risk hotspots were mainly located in the loess hilly area in the northeast and southeast of the study area where coal has been developed for a long time and the geological environment has been seriously damaged, and the ecological risk coldspots were mainly located in the sand-covered areas in the central part of study area which are still under resource exploration and survey. ③ Human disturbance was the most important factor affecting the landscape ecological risk in Yushenfu Mining Area, the determining force of
Yushenfu Mining Area;ecological restoration;landscape ecological risk;spatial statistics;geodetector
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会