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  • Title

    Accumulation effect of soil aggregate organic carbon in mixed forest in open-pit coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Xiaoping;LI Mingchao;BI Yinli;LI Xin

  • 单位

    神华准格尔能源有限责任公司西安科技大学 西部矿山生态环境修复研究院西安科技大学 地质与环境学院中国矿业大学(北京)煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    Shenhua Group Zhungeer Energy Co., Ltd.
    Institute of Ecological Environment Restoration in Mine Areas of West China, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    College of Geology and Environment, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    State Key Laboratory for Coal resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要

    采矿活动导致土壤养分及碳库损失,针对露天矿长期植被重建后土壤养分状况尤其是有机质恢复情况的研究迫在眉睫。研究在黑岱沟露天煤矿北排土场上选择复垦近20 a的油松纯林和油松混交林,对复垦区团聚体稳定性及相关碳库恢复情况等进行了全面系统的研究。研究结果表明:油松混交林土壤团聚体稳定性优于油松纯林,0~10 cm表层土壤中,油松山杏杨树混交林团聚体稳定性最佳,油松杨树混交林次之;0~20、20~30 cm亚表层土壤中,杨树油松混交林平均质量直径和几何平均直径较大,分形维数最小,整体看相对于其它3种植被组合表现出更好的土壤结构稳定性;油松混交林土壤有机碳含量高于油松纯林,3种混交林中油松山杏杨树混交林提高效果最佳,比油松纯林高104.96%。混交林提高了惰性有机碳的占比,增强了土壤碳库的稳定性。同一土层土壤团聚体各粒径有机碳及其组分含量基本上表现为油松混交林样地高于油松样地,并且含量均随土层加深而逐渐降低。各粒级团聚体易氧化有机碳和惰性有机碳变化规律与团聚体有机碳变化规律相似,呈倒V型分布。0.25~2 mm粒级团聚体土壤有机碳和易氧化有机碳含量显著高于其他粒级。对总有机碳影响较大的因子是土壤全氮含量和平均质量直径;对易氧化有机碳含量影响较大的因子是全氮含量和pH,对颗粒有机碳含量影响较大的因子包括土壤全氮含量、速效钾含量和平均质量直径。土壤有机碳及活性碳含量与多样性指数、植被生物量、枯落物生物量均呈显著正相关关系。总体而言,研究结果表明黑岱沟露天矿排土场油松混交种植的修复效果优于油松纯林种植,且从土壤有机碳恢复效果看“油松+山杏+杨树“混交种植的修复效果最佳。

  • Abstract

    Mining activities result in the depletion of soil nutrients and carbon reservoirs. A pressing need exists to examine soil nutrient status, particularly the recovery of organic matter following prolonged revegetation in open pit mines. In a nearly two-decade-long reclamation effort at the northern dump of Heidaigou Open-pit Coal Mine, both pure pine forests and mixed pine forests were chosen. A thorough and systematic investigation into aggregate stability and the recovery of associated carbon pools in the reclaimed area was undertaken. The study findings revealed that: Soil aggregate stability was superior in pine mixed forests compared to pure pine forests. In the 0-10 cm surface soil, the highest aggregate stability occurred in pine, mountain, apricot, and poplar mixed forest, followed by pine and poplar mixed forest. In the 0−20 cm and 20−30 cm subsurface soils, poplar and Chinese pine mixed forests exhibited larger average mass diameter and geometric mean diameter, with the smallest fractal dimension. In comparison to the other three vegetation combinations, the overall stability of soil structure was superior. Chinese pine mixed forests displayed higher soil organic carbon content than Chinese pine pure forests. The mixed forest elevated the proportion of inert organic carbon, enhancing soil carbon pool stability. In the same soil layer, the content of organic carbon and its components in each particle size of soil aggregates was generally higher in Chinese pine mixed forests than in Chinese pine pure forests, gradually decreasing with soil depth. Changes in oxidizable organic carbon and inert organic carbon in aggregates of each particle size mirrored those of organic carbon, exhibiting an inverted V-shaped distribution. Soil organic carbon and easily oxidizable organic carbon content in aggregates of 0.25−2 mm size were significantly higher than in other size groups. Influential factors on total organic carbon include soil total nitrogen content and mean mass diameter (MWD); those affecting easily oxidizable organic carbon content are total nitrogen content and pH value, and the factors influencing particulate organic carbon content include soil total nitrogen content, available potassium content, and mean mass diameter. Soil organic carbon and active carbon contents were significantly positively correlated with diversity index, vegetation biomass, and litter biomass. Overall, the study results demonstrate that the restoration impact of the mixed pine forest in the Heidaigou open-pit mine dump surpasses that of the pure Chinese pine forest. Notably, the mixed plantation of “Chinese pine + apricot + poplar” exhibits the most effective recovery of soil organic carbon.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ecological restoration;open-pit coal mine;pinus tabulaeformis mixed forest;soil organic carbon;aggregates;active carbon components

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