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  • Title

    Mine strata behavior law affected by overburden strata structure above fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face in shallow depth seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Liu Quanming YuLei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Tiandi Science and Technology Company Limited International Engineering Company Limited, China Coal
    Technology and Engineering Group
  • 摘要
    为确保综放工作面的安全开采,采用相似模拟试验和现场观测相结合的方法,研究了浅埋深条件下覆岩结构对综放工作面矿压显现规律的影响。结果表明:当基岩厚度小于80 m时,综放工作面覆岩以"悬臂梁+铰接岩梁+拱"结构形式存在,而基岩厚度大于80 m,覆岩以"悬臂梁+铰接岩梁"结构形式存在,基岩厚度越大,覆岩结构稳定性越好;综放工作面支架平均循环末阻力随着基岩厚度的增加呈对数减小,平均周期来压步距随基岩厚度的增大呈增加趋势,在相同覆岩结构条件下,动载系数随基岩厚度的增加而增大;而不同覆岩结构条件下,覆岩稳定性越好,动载系数越小。
  • Abstract
    In order to control the stability of the overburden strata and to ensure the safety mining operation of the fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face, a similar simulation experiment and the site observation method combined method was applied to study the overburden strata structure affected to the mine strata behavi or law of the fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face under the condition of the shallow depth. The results showed that when the thickness of the base rock was le ss than 80 m, the overburden strata above the fullymechanized top coal caving mining were existed in a form of " cantilever beam + articulated rock beam + arch" struct ure. But when the thickness of the base rock was higher than 80 m, the overburden strata were existed in a form of the " cantilever beam + articulated rock beam". With the thickness of the base rock increased, the stability of the overburden strata structure would be better. With the thickness of the base rock increased, the average circ ulated terminal resistance of the powered support applied to the fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face would be reduced in logarithm. With the thickness of the base rock increased, the average periodic roof weighting step distance would be in an increased tendency. Under the condition of the same overburden strata structure, the dynamic load coefficient would be increased with the thickness of the base rock increased. But under the condition of the different overburden strata structure, the s tability of the overburden strata would be better and the dynamic load cofficient would be smaller.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow depth coal seam; fully-mechanized top coal caving mining; overburden strata structure; mine strata behavior law;

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