• 全部
  • Title

    Water prevention and control technology of roof bed separation in Cuimu Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Lin QingQiao Wei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Cuimu Mine,Shaanxi Yonglong Energy Development and Construction Company Limited School of Resources andGeosciences,China University of Mining and Technology Post-doctoral Scientific Research Station,Yanzhou Mining Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为解决崔木煤矿煤层顶板高位离层水体突水灾害问题,通过分析涌突水规律,采用数值计算对煤层顶板涌突水与水位联动机制、离层发育位置和覆岩导水裂隙带发育高度进行了研究,并提出了防治离层水水害的方法。研究结果表明:洛河组水位变化与井下涌突水有较强的关联性;顶板离层发育位置和导水裂隙带高度揭示了在洛河组底部将发育有离层空间并充水;在以往研究结果基础上,采取井下探放水钻孔对离层水进行疏放是防治离层水水害的有效措施,该措施使该矿21303工作面回采期间最大涌水量控制在30 m3/h以下,同时为我国西部侏罗系煤炭资源开发时综放开采顶板离层水防治水设计提供对策。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the water inrush disaster form high level roof bed separation in Cuimu Mine,a numeric calculation and water inrush law analysis were applied to the stucly on theroof water inush and water tabe linkage mechanism.,the bed separation developmernt location and overburden water fovw cracking zone developmert eght in cuimu Mine and the bed separation wae disaster prevention and control method was provided.The study results showed that the water table variation ofLuche Formation had a strong relevance with the mine water nrush. The bed separation develogment location and he water fiow cracking zone height showed that a bed separation space and water fling would be developed at the bottom of the Luohe Formation. Based on the previous study water drainage of the bed separaton water with a water detection and drainage borehole in the underground mine was an efe ctive measure to prevent and conrol he ted separation disaser The prevention and control technology could have a max water infow controlled below 3o0 n3 h uring the mining perod fN0.2103 ceal minin fave and asocoud proide te countermeasures to the design on the oof bed separation water preverntion and conrolofth full -mechanized top cal caving miming n West China Jurossecodl rsources.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra thick seam;fuly-mechanized top coal caving mining; roof bed separation; water flow cracking zone;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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